Creating your Survey

Intuitive survey creation
With our intuitive survey creation tools, you can create your survey very quickly and easily. You can arrange the structure of the surveys individually, and formulate the questions and answers freely. You can also use one of our templates (e.g. customer/employee survey) and customize it according to your requirements. As soon as you begin creating your online survey you will be able to preview it in its final form, allowing you to test and tune it extensively.
Large selection of question types
- Description & instruction blocks
- Input fields (text, numbers)
- Forms (for addresses / demographic data)
- Multiple choice (mutually exclusive and multiple selection)
- Matrix (table & bipolar)
- Side-by-side (grouped tables)
- Sliders / Stars (graphic elements)
- Rank order
- Constant sum
- File uploads
We offer extensive and highly configurable input validation. You have the possibility of randomizing the order of the answer options, conditionally displaying only certain options, or adding additional text or media above, below, or to either side of the question.
Optimized for mobile devices
All question types have been optimized for display on desktop PCs, smartphones, and tablets. All questions provide generous touch areas for easy interaction on smartphones and tablets.

Display logic, skip logic, randomization, loops, and personalization
Individual questions or entire pages can be conditionally displayed using display logic. As a condition, answers, parameters assigned in advance, or participant data can be used.
Using skip logic, complex processes can be mapped in your survey in an uncomplicated way and without programming knowledge.
Loops allow you to take a section of questions and repeat them dynamically several times for a respondent.
Additionally, it is possible to randomize the sequence of answers & questions.
To personalize your survey, answers from previous questions can be transferred to following questions (piped text). Furthermore, piped text can be used to personalize the survey using previously stored participant data.
Individual layout design
To design an individual layout for your survey, you can choose from a selection of preset colour designs and use your own media, including images, videos and other media. The 2ask survey design tool can be used to adjust the layout of your survey to fit your corporate design as well as display your company logo.

Multilingual surveys
With 2ask you have the ability to manage multiple languages in one survey. If you know the native language of your participant, this language can be preset, or you may allow the participants to choose via a language selection question, the language in which they would like to answer the survey. The survey invitation e-mails can, of course, be sent in multiple languages as well.
Here are some examples of surveys with different topics:

Analyzing your survey responses

Report designer
Using the 2ask report designer, you have numerous design and labeling options to customize the report and the diagrams quickly and easily according to your wishes. You can download the diagrams in various graphic formats.
Using the export function, you can download the entire report in the following formats:
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Word
- ZIP archive with all created diagrams of the entire report
You can create several individual reports for your survey (e.g. filtered by department, customer group, etc.).
Result reports
Even while the survey is running, the survey results can be viewed and downloaded in Excel-/CSV and SPSS format. In the automatically generated result report, all closed questions will be analyzed tabularly and graphically in the form of bar or pie charts.
Example: Excel Result Report
Example: Raw Data in Exel-/CSV format

Report filter
With the report filter you can filter the results of your survey by closed questions and user-defined data (e.g. analyze the results of all employees in department A, or all customers who have bought product XY, etc). The filtered results can be contrasted with the results of all participants as a whole.
Enhanced statistics
The "enhanced statistics" option provides access to numerous additional chart types including 3d charts. Furthermore, the statistical information of mean, standard deviation, variance, and range can be displayed if desired.

Conducting your survey

Survey types
The following survey types are available:
- Public survey
- Closed survey
By starting the survey, the 2ask system generates a link by which your questionnaire can be accessed for the duration of the specified runtime. The survey link can be either posted e.g. in a newsletter or on your homepage, or be sent to your participants via e-mail. Also, you have the choice whether to conduct the survey anonymously or individually.
Dispatch of invitation e-mails
- personally addressed e-mails available
- free formulation of the e-mail text
- easy import of your e-mail addresses
- sign your own e-mail address as the sender
- when using access codes, automatic integration of the access codes in the survey links. If you prefer to send the invitation-e-mails without using the 2ask-system, you can download a list of access codes as well (e.g. for invitation by letter).

Live monitoring of the response rate
In your account you will always see the current response rate of your survey. In the event that the desired number of participants has not been reached, you have the possibility to send each invited participant up to two reminder e-mails at no cost to you. When conducting a survey with access codes, you can also activate the setting to remember explicitly only those participants who have not yet participated in the questionnaire.
Operation by 2ask
Your surveys are powered by the 2ask high-performance server clusters, located in access-secured data centers. To manage you surveys, you simply log in to your SSL encrypted 2ask account via your Internet browser. No installation of software is necessary.

Privacy and security
2ask operates as a neutral third party which can guarantee anonymity to your survey participants upon request. 2ask is obligated to make no use of, and handle your data confidentially. 2ask employees are trained in, and legally obligated to protecting your privacy. Access to your 2ask account is SSL (secure sockets layer) encrypted, and it is possible to conduct your surveys using SSL encryption as well.